My situation with my computer does not s'arrageant (quite the contrary), I feel obliged to close this blog. It's a shame because I still had much to write and share with you ... but that's life ... My desire
lorqui I decided to create this blog was to have a space of expression where I could connect with the greatest number, share my emotions and my exépriences.
I wanted to hear my voice, that of a young woman in the black diaspora, who despite his doubts, wounds and pains and attempts to move forward and stay strong.
I also learned from my past mistakes and I've received a lot and I wanted to humbly share with you.
Keeping a blog has been quite an experience for me because I could dévouvrir a new world: the blogosphere. This world rich, rewarding and interesting, which I learned a lot about myself and the world at large.
I also learned to master the tool (which I was not given, I swear !!!!).
It was a pleasure for me to write chquae day and give you this little piece of me, I hope you felt the same thing in my reading.
Even if you have not been many to leave the comms but significant number of visits proves to me that you were likely to like the blog! Big Thanks! I hope you find
for new adventures, why not a new blog, why not? Inshallah ....
Finally, stay strong despite the turmoil and never be ashamed of what you are, quite the contrary!
Love yourself ... and the rest will follow!
You can find me now on sista2sistas, my new blog! I hope to see you there!!
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