Sunday, May 13, 2007

If I'm Nc20 In Mac What Am I In Revlon

Heatrow Express Promo

Dochy Leon, notary Pecq (1948-1988) and honorary notary Pecq:
e- mail: leon.dochy @

A very serious health accident in November 2006 prompted the decline of my activities, accentuated phénomère - normally - by age (85 years ...) hoping to continue for "some" but the day of some sites.
What follows reflects the November 26, 2007, date of last revision of this blog ...

Before the content of this blog here first 8 blogs or sites lately
* The new divorce law:
* Immunity to home Independent:
* Niet-beslagbaarheid woning zelstandige:
* Discharge 2007 - 2007 Handlichting :
* Absence and judicial declaration of death:
* Leases: The "THREE" laws of 2006 and 2007
LEASE OF RESIDENCE = http:// / co / Dochy / BAIL.htm
http://www / co / Dochy / france.htm
* The exchange of information with other countries - Including France - Property Tax

For general research of legal texts and case law: see end of text of this blog .

I assure e-mail service of a legal newsletter - in the broadest sense - and focused - not exclusively - to the Notary: information and comments, etc..).

Send me an e-mail - leon.dochy @ - by filling in your profession ( notary - notary collaborator x Y - lawyer - home).

I made several websites of unequal importance and value and if the advertising is sometimes "boring" is the counterpart of the free hosting site ...
For my sites that have no equivalent in Dutch I tried to learn as much links to the Dutch. Always
to reduce my work, updates are often with the Table of Contents (before or after ...); read them because the update will no longer néccessairement made in the text of the site .. .

First two original sites

And - as they are updated yet ... - To put as FAVORITES!
(end of November 2007: 130,000 visits
Its equivalent in the Netherlands has developed closer ties to the Flemish region
(end of November 2007: 51,000 visits
These sites have some sort of backup - not current - addresses


If you have not found what you want, open the
HELP MANUAL FOR RESEARCH ON INTERNET NOTARY : the update has been "simplified" but the site retains some use ...

As the following sites (leases, and leases commercial), you will not find elsewhere many precedents annotated and classified by category - and with a resemblance to a treatise on the subject - often with direct access to the full text of many stops - especially - the Court of Cassation, the most that both FR NL and this form of Blogs and - recently - direct links (the new search system of judicial decisions JURIDAT risk in the future to undermine these relationships become suddenly old ...):
LEASE TO FARM: Jurisprudence, legal texts, access to formulas and comments
AND with more access to Both forms and distributed over three sites:
1. Form of the lease: Attention: 1999 ...:àferme1999

2. Form of pre-emption on farm lease: warning: 1999 ...

. Due to computer problems, the form was distributed on two sites:
a) Forms 1 to 83 included the complete table on the site
http:// / preemption
b) Forms 84 to 108:

You must read this before accessing these sites!
Author: Yves Leleu, notary fee to Komen - died November 12, 2007 - with the colllaboration Leon Dochy: All rights reserved! Consider the revised building regulations since 1999 and the 2003 law on leases.

There also remains the errors have to forgive and accept, as the former Research Links to Laws (missing sites for the State and the Flemish region), because for technical reasons it seems impossible to remedy.
1) should be manually access models = "down" until the desired model and not to use links No ... : Slower method but with at least one access number!
2) And if you had a problem with "copy / paste a formula, the easiest way is to send it to yourself through your email

LEASE OF RESIDENCE MAIN has u seen the laws of the laws of December 27, 2006, 25 and 26 April 2007, with model instruments, legal texts and especially the comments (in July 2007 site created and updated November 2007)

COMMERCIAL LEASES: Jurisprudence, legal texts and commentaries :
the short table of contents is read for facilitate your search! with access to models. Look beyond the blog devoted to model instruments.

DECREE of the Walloon region in human gift and succession
reform in December 2005 with comments and access to models: Beware of donations as proxy VOID Private!

ADOPTION and ADOPTS : these sites - oriented "legislation" - are intended to lawyers (all laws) even if access to the proceedings with some interest lay somewhat familiar with the matter.
the CWATUP: Planning, etc.., In the Walloon Region : updated with lots of documentation: my most visited site after those "links": more than 22,000 visits to the end October 2007 and yet I am not competent in this area and the site was not a good presentation!

LEGAL MARITAL SYSTEM IN THE WORLD Embassies & Consulates of Belgium, Bed & Civil Law Notaries - included cohabitants - abroad : The site also includes the legal aspect of civil union (cohabitation or partnership or cohabitation or ...- names are diverse -).
Site "possible" because there is certainty ... "Impossible." To my knowledge there is nothing equivalent and s
has attended - over 800 visits just for October 2007 - is also amazing for a particular domain.
A replay of this site is courses which may give survival after me! You already have the new address at the top of the site but this new site is not yet complete.

the provisional administrator of property of a major : see - notably - the recent case law. Here there is hope of recovery of the site ...

An excellent little trick to make without hesitation as FAVORITE:
get in once every 20 last "price" .
A gain time and if "certain" the disdain that is not the opinion of all: Quote: " De meest gemakkelijke link is to handle om op te zoeken gewenste prijscourant." !

The regular updating of the sites below is abandoned, sometimes with a new element at the beginning of text: they can still help you (like all my sites and blogs of the day The latest update is always very well marked and, if so it will be a way for you to note the decision of my activities).
Soil Remediation in the three regions : with "some" updating poue "RECENT" ...
ASBL, AISBL, private foundations, charitable foundations, etc.. + The site Form ASBL, etc..


LAWS NOTARIAL legal texts, ethics, see also below - Accounting, etc..
And its equivalent in the Netherlands: NOTARIËLE wetgeving

And in an optical notaraile:
And its equivalent in Dutch: WITWASSEN VAN GELD

ETHICS AND DISCIPLINE NOTARY: Doctrine, Jurisprudence and legal texts
version updated and supplemented November 2007
only surviving notarial Blog: impossible for me to keep up to date with all the risks of bad information. For An organization official to make this work ... Remind them!


* Marriage contract + MODEL:

Tax Treatment of clauses award community and award option for consideration and its equivalent NL:
* + Huwelijkscontract MODEL:
Verblijvingsbeding in keuzebeding onder last - Tax handeling

* Everything about gratuitous: models measure - included in Dutch - and comments reviewed in June 2007

* Reform in FRANCE - applicable from 1/01/2007 - Civil Law of Succession and the donations, plus inheritance tax (law in August 2007). A day in November 2007
site with a high number of visits totally unexpected .. . !

* The repeatability of the fees and expenses of counsel, with - particularly - the comment of the Federal Justice in mid October 2007 and access to the full text of the AR Implementing


* http: / / / : Commercial lease by deed or ssp. The pitfalls are well reported ...

* NL EN :

Clause of the 11 choices of "optional clause" to be inserted into a marriage contract or modification + Tax Treatment Decisions 2006 + + Doctrine recently.

* : Models of acts of donation (at reduced fee) for the Walloon Region (with access to the main site on the subject)

* : First - in bulk - which was the site of the farm lease to the CAP - the material becomes impossible to follow - followed by "Model group of dairy farmers' still relevant at June 11, 2007 - But : Reminder: the CAP WARNING!

* : gratuitous: see above


* A succession rather special in my family: a curiosity to relax! The publication of this blog has led to correspondence with a very distant relative!

4. Non-legal sites the author:
Site DOCHY Lucia and Leon in Pecq (Belgium)
Slideshow: Flowers now Lucia
Flowers by Lucie Here
Flowers of the Alps Lucie
Historical Railway vicinal Pecq
Slideshow: The tram Pecq
History Channel's Espierres
PECQ seen - a little - the sky :
My memories of the evacuation in May 1940
5. WARNING: The author informs
beginning of each site at least one month of the last update.
My sites are numerous, the update is not always easy, especially since I remember my age ... 85 years, some tend to forget!

is why I give up and I'll still leave some sites of lesser interest or difficult to maintain.
I am happy to serve you, but you also help me and it is not difficult: Report me of legal errors, the links no longer open or outdated texts and thank you for your e-mail to
leon.dochy @
I'm also quite open to recovery - free, of course! - Of my sites, being myself amazed at the lack of sites more or less similar (and regretting it) ...
No answer from me please send your e-mail address marienoel.dochy @

6. NEW
Do you know how to find or check:

A. All Belgian LAWS? Crossroads Bank legislation + Kruispunt Wetgeving : But made first and foremost know CHRONO FR or CHRONO NL
Read or print the instructions!
A first tip: do not forget to check "Show only acts still in force"
Then after getting a text, ask - if available-to have " This act in" Consolidated legislation " the Federal Justice " in the new page: click in the upper-right "RETAIL".
EXAMPLE: At this stage you have the address:
Go to another language version and then return to ... the first language version!
You no longer have the same web address but like this: here with the text:
"July 15, 1997. - Order containing the Flemish Housing Code (sic). (NOTE: art. 2, 21-24, 30, 31-45, 45bis, 46-49, 55-57, 60-64, 67, 68, 75, 77a to 77QUATER, 77SEXIES, 78, 79, 84 to 86, 91, 93, 97, 100, 106, 113, 114 modified with effect from a date unknown by DCFL 2006-03-24/39 , 014, 015; ED indefinite) (NOTE: due to a lack of qualified human resources, the consolidation of the text is temporarily suspended. The amendments published after on 05-10-2006 are viewable in the amended text, see 2006-12-22/31 , DCFL 2006-12-22/38 , Effective: Indefinite. A consolidated version of this paper is available in Dutch on the Internet for free in the database Vlaamse Codex) (NOTE: Consultation with earlier versions from 19-08-1997 and updated on 05-10-2006) "

Keep this address
because it remains valid during the update CHRONO by a later version of this legislation ...

NB.mais without warranty as to the timeliness of this update! Indeed there is a "small" problem: the lack of qualified personnel and suddenly coordinations are down ... hope this will be only temporary! Personal reflection: instead of spending lots of money and time, the Federal Justice Department had better continue the updating of legal texts by CHRONO and postponing the "Juridat" which follows and which had no Emergency !

B. All court decisions (but in November 2007 this site was still slow construction with very little consultation especially nice ... As they say: "the best (technical development) is the enemy of the good ( ease of searching for the librarian with making it available to others) "...

STEP 1: You open the site and you first read the 13 pages of Manual JURIDAT .
STEP 2: Research is carried out at the following link
Change Language Research : replace nl en by !

text of this blog reviewed and revised to November 26, 2007!